It would need a 5% correction to optimal entrance (Risk /Reward) GRT's TA Show More

The Graph
The Graph = 🔥! It's one of early AI crypto gems, 4 stars 🌟. Price-wise, there may not have too much room to grow. Show More

The Graph
4 stars at best. I would have expected more for such a high profile project.
Telegram: Average amount of message. Show More

The Graph
The graph is essentially a duplicate ledger based on graph datastructure instead of a sequential database based on timestamps. Show More

The Graph
The marketing is pretty bad overall. The only thing that stands out is their whitepaper, which has a very powerful introduction that anyone can understand. Show More

The Graph
Very good project with strong team. Might be a bit overpriced temporarily, but the long term should look good as the tec... Show More