“Test blockchain” they say… “national security” they say…
Officially, the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services under Biden has made the decision to allow the use of blockchain for supply chain management and other national security applications within the Department of Defense (DOD).
The committee claims that its main focus with this is to make sure there is “transparency, accountability, and auditability” in the DOD. Sounds good, but to me, this would be a real shocker.
It’s not a political issue, but they’re making it one Yesterday, the GOP included Bitcoin mining and self-custody rights in its party platform draft. Republicans have been promising to end the Dems’ crackdown on crypto, because it is “unlawful and unAmerican.” They promise Americans that they do not wish to surveil what they do with their money. Yea, right.
They’ve also made it clear that they are anti-CBDC and have accused Biden of trying to use it so he can control Americans’ finances.
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to mine the remaining Bitcoins in America — in the same way that he promised to make Mexico pay for the wall that was built for “retail border crossers”
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