Ah, interesting project. I'm familiar with Stellar as a competitor to Ripple, and with both cryptocurrencies in the spotlight, it seems they are set for another battle. However, I believe Stellar has the upper hand.

While Ripple may have more fame, it's not necessarily for the better reasons. Although they have similar blockchains, I find Stellar to be more reliable and offering more value. Stellar is more decentralized, which results in a better open and community-driven governance model.

Stellar utilizes a superior mechanism and employs a bridge currency to facilitate transactions on their network. Ripple primarily targets institutional users while maintaining control in their own hands. In contrast, Stellar focuses on promoting financial inclusion and providing affordable access to financial services, which resonates with me personally.

Stellar has a max supply of 50 billion tokens, whereas Ripple has the ability to mint new tokens at will. This can potentially devalue the tokens when supply exceeds demand. This further highlights the centralized nature of Ripple. This all, and considering the recent scrutiny from the SEC towards Ripple, I believe Stellar is the best choice. Show Less


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