

Telegram: Very good. a lot of daily activity focused mostly on Q&A and tech details. Discord: Couldn't get in because of an issue during verification. Twitter: Also good. Lots of posts with a decent amount of re-tweets. I like that they're using MidJourney for many of their visuals. It shows that they're aware of the latest AI trends and not afraid to use them. I would have given them 4 stars for community. But they get 5 because they have a dedicated "arcade" section on their page where you can very easily spend some time and meet people. I have to study it further to fully understand the arcade. But you can start chatting with people in the general chat without signing up, which is very good for engagement. There's also lots of windows 95 style games that you can play or create. So it's quite engaging, even if it's very quirky. Anyways, it's 5 for community for now. Show Less


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