As a proponent of decentralised finance I became interested in PulseChain due to it's core philosophy of such a structure.
Currently the chain does not present itself with the bells and whistles of other POS Ethereum forks but as a L1 all the infrastructure is there for fantastic operations. There is clear commitment from users who are maintaining the validation of the blockchain with more than 52,400 validators at the time of writing.
The primary dApps associated with utilising PulseChain including PulseX (Decentralised Exchange) and the Block Explorer are hosted via IPFS with all of the original code available to users to run on their own operating system. The robustness of accessing blockchain infrastructure is great. I will note this does pose a deterrence to users who want the simplest form of accessing a blockchain but does not result in any actual functional issues, (Merely one extra mouse click for the majority).
There are considerations regarding the public image of PulseChain due to the founder Richard Heart. Many people would criticise his approach, style or personality which is reasonable to interpret how you want. Ultimately the face behind PulseChain has no impact on the operating of a high quality EVM Chain. PulseChain meets all the markers in my opinion of a superior decentralised blockchain, one that I will look to build on.
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