PoNW is a hyper-deflationary, automatic-reflection token that allows you to trustlessly earn yield in PoNW. Reflections are deposited to holders automatically by the smart contract, with no middlemen.
Users pay a 3% fee on each transaction, where 2% gets redistributed proportionately to all holders, & 1% is burned.
I also identified & removed a harmful function present in most reflection tokens, referred to as "swapandliquify", which takes a portion of the transaction tax & adds it back to the liquidity pools. But these rewards are one-sided, which debases the token.
Simple supply & demand economics teaches as 1 asset's supply goes up in a pool & the supply of the asset its paired against stays constant, the value of the asset whose supply increased goes down.
Additionally, there is a custom function to exclude all LPs from reflections, preventing the LPs from experiencing the same issue.
Plus the burn wallet was given a huge initial distribution of 33% of the total supply, & is included in reflections, making the rewards that go to "no workers" disinflationary over time.
Whitepaper - https://proofofnowork.gitbook.io/proof-of-no-work-whitepaper/ponw-token/problems-ponw-solves Show Less