Given the recent witch hunt led by the village of SEC and its village priest, Gary Gensler, projects aspiring for long-term success must carefully consider their promotional strategies and messaging. Failure to do so might result in an unconventional water test, with hands and feet tied, to determine their innocence or potential involvement in crypto sorcery.
Exhibit 1, suggesting the token might be deemed a security: "$PoNW is an automatic reflection token that generates yield entirely on-chain via a 3% transaction tax, where 2% is automatically reflected (redistributed) proportionately to existing holders, and 1% is burned."
"Yield" measures the realized return on a security over a specific period.
Exhibit 2, indicating potential security characteristics: "Hyper-Deflationary The burn wallet receives 33% of the supply on day one and is NOT excluded from reflections, accelerating the burn. Additionally, 1% of each transaction is burned, further increasing the deflation."
The emphasis on token "burn" in a "hyper-deflationary" tokenomics model invites speculation about potential price increases, appealing to speculators.
Exhibit 3, further hinting at security traits: "Designed To Go Up While no one can guarantee price appreciation, $PoNW claims that your PoNW token balance will increase with each on-chain transaction."
Lol, don't need to write anything about this one.
The first few seconds on the landing page show that they are notably lacking in seriousness. Guaranteed pump and dump or even rug. I hope no one expects anything serious coming from this team. Show Less