I'm not convinced that Oasis truly cares about privacy. I would avoid this project if you're looking for a platform to build a privacy focused project on.
For starters, they are working with Meta, which is one of the biggest data harvesters in the world. They do no care about privacy. Another associate that doesn't care about privacy is Binance, one of their backers. They also just partnered with Equifax to do KYC. In my opinion, any project that jumps right into doxing people doesn't really care about privacy.
Source: https://oasisprotocol.org/blog/oasis-2022-a-year-in-review
A lot of what they say in their whitepaper sounds good, but appears to be very theoretical at this point. For example, they say that ParaTimes may implement other privacy tech like ZKP and fully homomorphic encryption...which means that they don't have it now. Fully homomorphic encryption is actually really hard to do, so it looks like they are just dropping buzzwords to make their project seem legit.
Source: https://assets.website-files.com/5f59478e350b91447863f593/628ba74a9aee37587419cf65_20200623%20The%20Oasis%20Blockchain%20Platform.pdf Show Less