If you are looking for a project which may be shaping the future of crypto then look no further than Hedera or is it Hydra? They seem to be attempting to tackle every crypto problem which has ever existed in the last 10 years and solve it in a better or perhaps different way.
So what fundamentally makes Hedra different from every other wannabe crypto ecosystem? Well, too many things to put in one simple review but two stand out the most.
The first is governance which claims will be decentralized by design. The 39 members (companies) will be distributed fairly across time, region, and industry. But they are still businesses with their own changing agenda (not the community).
The second is the ledger system which uses votes and consensus on the blockchain that should be scalable and become faster rather than slower as the ecosystem grows. But this remains to be seen.
The project has all the bells and whistles, even a project on Decentralized Identifiers, but at the end of the day, governance by a commercial United Nations-style committee, in crypto with an ecosystem that is well-developed makes me nervous. Check the list and tell me if you can trust Google, IBM, ... Banks? Show Less