Decubate has a pretty active community, with over 7000 subscribers on both their announcements page, as well as the community telegram page. They also have 65k followers on twitter, with almost monthly AMAs with the Founder, as well as active updates on new partnerships onto their platform - both on Twitter, as well as on Telegram. However for a project that is 2 years old, I believe that the number is currently lacking, and in order for them to position themselves as a strong leader in the space for business-token creation, there would have to be a surge in social numbers, which I believe they are well on their way to doing so.
I am interested in looking at the in depth tokenomics of the project, but however I can't seem to find any updates/news other than details of their presale, to have a more holistic view on their tokenomics and how the entire ecosystem is tied together - after the updating of burn mechanics, and changes based on their product launches and roadmaps.
Edited: I previously mentioned that it would be great for Decubate to have their discord channel where users are able to ask more detailed and thorough questions regarding roadmaps and plans, and they actually recently launched their Discord channel. It's amazing to see that Elliot was extremely receive to the suggestion, and further reinforces that the team is fully invested and ready to answer any questions coming their way, and it is definitely a positive step moving forward for the project. Show Less