As JJG shared some ideas, i also have some remarks to make. The little details that might enhance users experience with little analysts/team effort:
- Cyrator Searches and Tags
We could be tagging projects with their niche, so users can find projects alike easily and make a "Overall Category Rating" from the in-depth reviews as a graph (image1) or just the sidebars that already exists. Later we can separate in tabs as coinmarketcap (image2) in "Category" , as a specific within the Rankings pages -> in exemple of Social, it would be ""
(IDK if it's already this way) But in-depth reviews should have more weight compared to micro-review in the rating score, due to micro being a holistic vision and we are not able to fill each project sight with the same diligence/scrutiny.
Separate Tag and Source Boxes for Reviews: Cyrator could have a Hashtag and source boxes to insert the links and category. For future reference, it can be helpful!
Insert the Link of How to format Texts and structure (image 3) Just a small thing to do that will help new analysts to check and learn the 'codes'.
Feed A option to see 'My Feed' and 'All Feed', mostly because we start being 'trapped' with the people we follow and we start only seeing their reviews, creating a cycle.. sometimes is great to look at other people's analysis as well.
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