Project CRUST Network has a vibrant Telegram community and active social channels, but there is still room for expansion. Twitter is extremely active, with an additional 5K followers from Crust Community Twitter channel, but more multimedia content in my opinion could increase engagement. Discord is easy to use and available in seven languages, but also it needs to expand its reach. The YouTube channel has informative monthly calls and tutorials, very informative also it could use more promotion. Weekly Medium articles are interesting, but surely could use a larger audience. Overall, the Crust team can grow its community by leveraging influencers, encouraging more engagement, branching out to new platforms, and emphasizing education. I have high level of confidence that Project CRUST Network can continue to make an impact in the blockchain industry by focusing on its growth by community expansion and its engagement.

  • Telegram (Score: 3 | Size:) <21.8K
    What's Good: The community is passionate about the project, and the team provides excellent support to users.

  • Twitter (Score: 3 | Size:) >112K
    What's Good: The Project CRUST Network Twitter account is highly active and provides engaging posts to inform and educate the community. The fact that the Crust Community Twitter has an additional 5K followers is a testament to their success.

  • Discord (Score: 3 | Size:)
    What's Good: Simple and neat design that makes it easy for the community to use. Provides support for node and developer's guild, which is a big plus. Available in seven different languages.

What Could be Better: Could expand the channel's size and reach to further expand the community.

  • YouTube (Score: 3 | Size:) <2K
    What's Good: What's Good: Channel features monthly Life Open Calls and recent updates. Planning to release a series of tutorials for developers.

What Could be Better: The channel's video views could be improved, perhaps by promoting it more on other social media platforms.

  • Medium (Score: 5 | Size:) >3.9K What's Good: The Medium channel of the Project CRUST Network has nearly 4000 followers! The weekly articles published on this channel are extremely informative and written in an engaging manner. This is an excellent way to keep the community involved and up to date on the project's progress. Technical updates, project announcements, and industry insights are among the topics covered in the articles. The articles also encourage community feedback and discussions, which boosts community engagement even more. Show Less

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