I'm completely editing my previous review given the extensive edits that were made by the team, many of which seemed to have been based on my previous review (see review history).

The website now looks much better overall. It has more finished and exciting feel. A lot of the most important information is there, including what it is (rewarding people for being healthy), how it works (get rewards for health scan, attending educational events, etc) and why the tokens are valuable (how they generate revenues and how they use that for buy backs, etc.

Overall, it's now a beautiful big bold design that's easy to digest. As I've mentioned in my previous review, their lightpaper was pretty good to start with.

To get a 5 star review there would still have to be improvements, but I think those will take time. The website and lightpaper are still a bit text and explanation heavy and I think the app design shown in the attached screenshot is cluttered and clunky. To get a 5 star marketing review I'd like the website to be more focused to the actual end user rather than explaining a product. For example, I'd like to see beautiful and simple designs from the app next to text explaining what you can do. As in, "earn rewards for completing educational health courses" next to an image of available courses.

For crypto projects in general, it's also important for me to show usage stats. Cyrator has stats under cyrator.com/stats for example. This is arguably one of the most important info for potential buyers, which is why I rarely give 5 stars without a good stats section. I understand that they're not live yet. So this is something that probably has to wait. Show Less


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