What problem is being solved here using web3 tech?

The idea here is to use Thermal Optical Imaging(TOI) through smart phone's camera to create an economy of "scan your face and earn". You get paid more for improved health as time goes by. But If you do not improve, you only earn a base amount. It will encourage you to become healthy.

Transdermal optical imaging (TOI) uses images taken of your face to detect the blood flow and and pressure by applying Machine Learning on the images. It has quite good accuracy(above 90%) in capturing blood pressure and related metrics.

Bliv will use NFTs and dual tokens to award users for their participation. It will have affiliates companies (like PUMA, Himalaya etc) as paying clients for events organized by Bliv. Revenue generation(through affiliates programs, NFT sales, Health data sales) that will flow into the token system will depend on popularity of the project.

The potential problems: Those who are healthy will always earn base amount. And those who are not healthy, will earn more as they become healthy and eventually their rewards comes back down to base. So in either case, if base amount is not exciting, I do not see how people will stay connected to the app for longer?

The other problem with the Bliv project is that TOI is not a proprietary technology. There are other companies, such as Anura, that already use TOI to track health metrics. This means that it would be relatively easy for other companies to replicate the Bliv project.

Also they will face some serious competition from projects like https://www.gohealthhero.com/ Show Less


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