"Join the Queue"
I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, drawing from your phrasing, Patrick: "It appears that everyone and their mother" is utilizing the whitelist promise, which, based on my experiences, often leads to disappointment or worse, non-existent apps.
Upon scrolling down the main page, I encountered a mishmash of random move-to-earn information along with a persistent invitation to "join the queue." Astonishingly, within just three swipes, this invitation appeared three times! Are they desperately gathering email addresses? Intrigued by this, I counted a total of ten different variations, all urging me to subscribe to the waiting list.
Examining the team, it struck me that they seemed to employ mug shot-style photos, with an incongruous "Swiss Banker" figure that resembles your typical pub-goer.
Overall, I find it difficult to place my trust in something that seems so nebulous and vague. Show Less